Monday, 11 May 2020

Lockdown loungewear | Working from home

Having spent much of my career working from home (even before the lockdown), I have to say, it's interesting to see how my friends, family, and the rest of the internet, are adjusting to the changes. Some people are getting to see just how productive they can be, while others are stressing over a lack of motivation; some people are getting to spend extra time with their other halves, others are using Zoom for 99% of their conversations. For me, life hasn't really changed much at all, apart from a new sense of community - suddenly I'm not all alone in the 'work from home' brigade, and it feels kind of nice.

Together we can do this

Before the lockdown measures came into play, some of my friends told me that they wished that they could work from home. They're either in heaven right now, or they're deeply regretting that statement. As I told them at the time, working from home isn't easy; you do have to be self-motivated and structured, and most of all I've found that this kind of lifestyle can have a negative impact on your mental health. During the years that I've worked from home, I've experienced severe loneliness, massive highs and lows, frustration and anxiety. There were times that I spent so long creating a routine and comfort zone inside my home, that I was almost afraid to go outside.

I'm much better now, but I can imagine that those who are experiencing working from home for the first time may be feeling the same things that I once did. It can be hard to get into a groove, but I find that creating small comforts and self-rewards are a real help. What do I mean by this? When you feel low, or you've just completed a really difficult work task and feel a little exhausted, or it's 8am on a Monday morning and you're struggling to find motivation, reward yourself with a little treat to help get you through the day. Your treat might be your favourite food, or even reading a chapter of a book - it varies from person to person, so there's no right or wrong. Here are a few of mine:

Working from home - small rewards

'Putting on comfy loungewear' is a pretty recent addition to this list. Before coronavirus hit, I never actually owned loungewear. I had an old pair of tracksuit bottoms and, of course, pyjamas, but usually I would wear jeans and a t-shirt as my standard work-from-home uniform.

Once I started seeing people extolling the virtues of loungewear on Instagram - mainly comfort, but also how good it can look - I knew that I needed to see what all the fuss was about. I ordered my first loungewear co-ord, and when it arrived, it's safe to say that my work-from-home wardrobe changed for good. In fact, I'm writing this now while wearing loungewear.

Thanks to the popularity of loungewear right now, Femme Luxe got in touch with me to see if I would like to collaborate on their loungewear collection. They have a huge range of seriously comfy clothes for lounging about the house; but they're not just comfy, they're stylish, too.

They have cosy, oversized 90s-style joggers (the ones that everyone is wearing on Instagram right now); crop top and cycling short sets for when it's warmer; and laid-back-chic ribbed sets which you can probably get away with for a trip to the shops. I picked out three sets, and I was happily surprised to see that the quality is brilliant - I can see these lasting and lasting!

Browse my looks below, and use the links to shop beneath each image.

Pink Cropped Stripe Loungewear Set - Hazel. Shop the look here. Shop the entire cropped loungewear collection here.
Pink Cropped Stripe Loungewear Set - Hazel. Shop the look here. Shop the entire cropped loungewear collection here.

Pink Cropped Stripe Loungewear Set - Hazel. Shop the look here. Shop the entire cropped loungewear collection here.

Sage Ribbed Crop Top Straight Leg Loungewear Set - Aniston. Shop the look here. Shop the entire ribbed loungewear collection here.
Sage Ribbed Crop Top Straight Leg Loungewear Set - Aniston. Shop the look here. Shop the entire ribbed loungewear collection here.
Dusky Pink High Neck Cropped Loungewear Set - Ella. Shop the look here. Shop the entire pink loungewear collection here.


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