Jen Lou Meredith - Content and Copy Writer. Image by Mikaela Jade.

Jen Lou Meredith - Content and Copy Writer. Image by Mikaela Jade.

About Me

Image by Mikaela Jade.

As a writer with over 10 years' professional experience, I can help you convey your business' message to your audience in a way that is simple and digestible, while being informative and engaging.

I began my career as a journalist, first as a freelance writer for local magazines while studying for my degree in English, then, after graduating with honours, I became a full-time editorial assistant at a luxury lifestyle magazine, before progressing to content writer, then deputy editor at a national hair and beauty title.

Following this, I decided to take the path to become a full-time freelance writer. Since 2017, I have worked with independent businesses, agencies and influencers to create content that captivates their audiences.

Why employ me and not ChatGPT?

I believe we have a moral obligation to keep a human element to business. Your audience is human, so what better way to connect with them than with a human writer? I can write (good) humour; I can make obscure references to nineties pop culture; I can talk about an experience or product in a way that elicits a visceral response from the reader, allowing them to connect with your brand in a way that can't yet be facilitated by AI.

I'm also a brand geek. This means that, when we work together, I become a fan of your brand. From the ins and outs of your audience, tone, style, genre, to graphic elements such as the use of imagery, typography and colour palette, I commit to understanding your branding just as well as you do. This helps me tailor my writing style to fit your business.


I have worked with a number of different content management systems in a range of formats. The CMSs I have experience with include Wordpress, Blogger, Webflow and Squarespace. I also have experience with Substack, Mailchimp, Shopify, Podio, Trello, Later, and a range of other platforms. I can also learn new software quickly, and adapt to your business' needs.

I have experience writing B2C as well as B2B, in the sectors of: fashion, beauty, lifestyle, travel, pet care, horticulture, psychology, gynaecology, rheumatology, recruitment and human resources.

If you have any questions, please contact me at

I hope we can work together!


Wednesday 6 September 2023

6 tips for keeping a travel journal

Traveling is a magical experience that opens our eyes to new cultures, landscapes, and adventures. As we explore the world, it's easy to get lost in the moment and forget the intricate details that make each journey unique. That's where keeping a travel journal comes in. It's a timeless practice that allows you to capture the essence of your travels and create lasting memories. In this blog post, we'll explore tips for keeping a travel journal, accompanied by insights from three famous travel writers.

1. Choose the Right Journal

The first step in creating a memorable travel journal is selecting the right one. Your journal should be portable, durable, and filled with pages that can withstand various weather conditions. Renowned travel writer Paul Theroux once said, "Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends." A sturdy journal becomes your constant companion, preserving your thoughts and memories through the trials and tribulations of the road.

Travel journal
A5 Travel Journal, The Cosy Store Studio on Etsy, £15

2. Be Consistent

Consistency is key to maintaining a meaningful travel journal. Make it a habit to jot down your experiences each day, even if it's just a few lines. Pico Iyer, another famous travel writer, remarked, "Travel far enough, you meet yourself." By recording daily reflections, you'll capture not only the places you visit but also the evolution of your thoughts and feelings throughout your journey.

3. Include Descriptive Details

The beauty of travel lies in the details. When you write in your travel journal, don't just document where you went; describe the sights, sounds, and smells that surrounded you. As Bill Bryson wisely put it, "To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time." These sensory details transport you back to the moment, allowing you to relive your adventures.

4. Embrace Your Voice

Your travel journal is a personal reflection of your experiences, so don't be afraid to embrace your unique voice. Share your thoughts, emotions, and reactions honestly. As Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of "Eat, Pray, Love," advised, "Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions." Your journal is a safe space to express yourself freely, capturing the essence of your journey as only you can.

5. Use Visual Aids

Incorporating sketches, photographs, and mementos into your travel journal adds depth and visual appeal. Eudora Welty once said, "A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away." These visual aids complement your written words, allowing you to share the visual splendors of your travels with others and providing a richer context for your memories.

6. Reflect and Revise

After your journey is complete, take the time to revisit your travel journal. Reflect on your experiences, and consider how your perceptions have evolved since you first wrote them down. T.S. Eliot wisely noted, "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." Your travel journal becomes a portal to revisit your adventures and gain new insights.

Start Travel Journaling Now

Keeping a travel journal is a rewarding practice that allows you to preserve the essence of your journeys, both for yourself and for future generations. As you embark on your travels, remember the wisdom of famous travel writers like Paul Theroux, Pico Iyer, Bill Bryson, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Eudora Welty. Let their words inspire you to document your adventures with passion, detail, and authenticity. With your travel journal as your trusted companion, you'll embark on a lifelong journey of words and memories that will enrich your life and those of others. 

Shop my travel journal on Etsy.


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