Sunday, 10 July 2016

Spiralizer Kilner Jar Salad

Spiralizer Recipe by Jen Lou Meredith

Oh yes, I've got into spiralizing in a big way. I spiralize any veg that's long and thin to make delicious, nutritious, (pretty) vegetti - for inspiration, courgettes, carrots, parsnips and cucumbers are all great options.

As a recent vegetarian convert, I've found that spiralizing is a great way to keep things interesting. After all, there are only so many times you can eat chopped veg before you go insane and decide that meat is the better option, after all. And I'm determined not to travel down that road again.

At the moment, I'm finding that summer salads are serving as great lunches for hot days when you really can't stomach a thick sandwich with a heavy filling. I keep mine in a Kilner jar to ensure my veg is as fresh as possible, with a squeeze of lemon juice to avoid any browning.

Here's my recipe for a quick, easy Kilner jar salad to take to work, uni or wherever.


- Half a courgette
- Six cherry tomatoes
- Three button mushrooms
- A couple of fresh thyme leaves
- Teaspoon of olive oil
- Quarter of a lemon
- One crushed garlic clove
- A splash of white wine


1. Spiralize the courgette and place in straight into the bottom of the Kilner jar. Squeeze the juice out of the quarter lemon on top.

2. Slice the tomatoes into halves, then place on top of the spiralized courgette.

3. Slice up the mushrooms and place into a pan with the oil and the crushed garlic. Don't stir them too much, as they'll become watery. Once they start to sizzle, pour in a splash of white wine.

4. Once the wine has been absorbed by the mushrooms, take the pan off the heat and scoop the mushrooms into the Kilner jar. Chop up the thyme leaves and sprinkle on top. Leave to cool before sealing, and place in a fridge if you're going to wait to eat it for lunch.

Kitchen-nv Spiralizer

Kitchen-nv's handheld spiralizer is one of my favourite kitchen gadgets to use right now, alongside my smoothie blender and my coffee machine. It's incredibly easy to use, and it takes up zero counter space because it's so compact! Best of all, it's only £8.75. Find out more at

Spiralizer Recipe by Jen Lou Meredith
Spiralizer Recipe by Jen Lou Meredith


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