Thursday, 15 March 2018 / London, UK

MAC is now stocked on ASOS!

How has your week been? I guess it really doesn't matter, because it's about to get a lot better - MAC is now being sold on ASOS! 

Finally, right?

If you've ever browsed ASOS and thought something was lacking in their beauty department (which has often crossed my mind, too), MAC has now filled that makeup-shaped hole with over 600 products. 

You read that right. OVER. SIX. HUNDRED.

Yes, some of them have sold out already, but I guess that's what comes with a massive drop like this. They'll be restocked soon. Don't you worry.

And better still, you can use your ASOS A-List vouchers to get money off, which you wouldn't be able to do on MAC's online store. Combine that with free shipping if you spend over £20 (it's easily done) or free next day delivery for a year for £9.95 (which is what I invested in, and it's so worth it) and you've got one happy customer base.

Without further ado, I've created an edit of all my favourite MAC products now available at ASOS, below. Cilck the images or text to head straight to the ASOS website!

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