Jen Lou Meredith - Content and Copy Writer. Image by Mikaela Jade.

Jen Lou Meredith - Content and Copy Writer. Image by Mikaela Jade.

About Me

Image by Mikaela Jade.

As a writer with over 10 years' professional experience, I can help you convey your business' message to your audience in a way that is simple and digestible, while being informative and engaging.

I began my career as a journalist, first as a freelance writer for local magazines while studying for my degree in English, then, after graduating with honours, I became a full-time editorial assistant at a luxury lifestyle magazine, before progressing to content writer, then deputy editor at a national hair and beauty title.

Following this, I decided to take the path to become a full-time freelance writer. Since 2017, I have worked with independent businesses, agencies and influencers to create content that captivates their audiences.

Why employ me and not ChatGPT?

I believe we have a moral obligation to keep a human element to business. Your audience is human, so what better way to connect with them than with a human writer? I can write (good) humour; I can make obscure references to nineties pop culture; I can talk about an experience or product in a way that elicits a visceral response from the reader, allowing them to connect with your brand in a way that can't yet be facilitated by AI.

I'm also a brand geek. This means that, when we work together, I become a fan of your brand. From the ins and outs of your audience, tone, style, genre, to graphic elements such as the use of imagery, typography and colour palette, I commit to understanding your branding just as well as you do. This helps me tailor my writing style to fit your business.


I have worked with a number of different content management systems in a range of formats. The CMSs I have experience with include Wordpress, Blogger, Webflow and Squarespace. I also have experience with Substack, Mailchimp, Shopify, Podio, Trello, Later, and a range of other platforms. I can also learn new software quickly, and adapt to your business' needs.

I have experience writing B2C as well as B2B, in the sectors of: fashion, beauty, lifestyle, travel, pet care, horticulture, psychology, gynaecology, rheumatology, recruitment and human resources.

If you have any questions, please contact me at

I hope we can work together!


Monday 14 August 2023

3 Ways To Reduce your Energy Bills

Reducing your energy bills isn't always something you can do easily. There are many influences that can affect how much you pay for your energy, not least price hikes by suppliers. Although energy costs have started coming down from their peak in 2022, they are still inflated somewhat compared to pre-2020 prices.

Image c/o Pexels

With costs not looking like they are coming down anytime soon, as a consumer, you need to ensure you are doing everything you can to keep your bills low and avoid waste in consumption.

Oil Vs Gas

While 74% of homes in the UK use gas compared to the 3% who use home heating oil, that doesn't mean it is the better deal. For some people, the lower cost of heating oil can be attractive, especially if you live in an "off-grid" area. But just because you have one doesn't mean you want to have the other instead. While getting set up for using heating oil at home can come with a considerable cost; generally, operating costs will be lower as heating oil is typically 11% cheaper than gas. Plus, you will need to factor in this, such as your local supplier and delivery frequencies if you are running low, a Heating Oil Tank Replacement when your tank reaches the end of its lifespan convenience. While these costs can be higher, they won't be out of the ordinary or increased compared to replacing your boiler for using gas central heating and hot water or having new radiators fitted and bleed frequently and pipework maintained throughout your property. There are pros and cons, but it is a good starting point to consider when considering reducing energy bills.

Proper Insulation

If your home is poorly insulated, you are throwing away your money. Around 10% of your energy is lost through windows and 35% through walls in homes without adequate insulation. You can insulate your windows, doors, walls, floors, pipes, loft spaces, tanks, and radiators. This will allow you to conserve as much energy as possible by trapping heat inside the home and reducing the need to heat it as much. Generally, you should replace your home's insulation or top it up every 15 to 20 years.


You should be getting regular gas and electrical safety checks every year at least, but you also need to ensure you have services for the significant components of your home too. This can be your appliances, boiler, heating system or getting a whole house energy audit to ensure you are being as energy efficient as possible. Failing to ensure your home is in good working order means you can avoid the excessive energy consumption of poorly working appliances within your home and reduce the risk of failure and high repair costs. So get everything checked, serviced or cleaned to ensure your home remains energy efficient and your bills as low as possible.

Making sure you don't use too much energy is a more eco-conscious way of living and the best way to reduce your bills and consumption. These tips can help you to make bug chances that will pay off in the long run,


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