Sunglasses - zeroUV* // Top - H&M // Skirt - New Look // Bag - Primark // Shoes - New Look
Screw the LBD. There are a handful of pieces the modern woman needs in her wardrobe, but a black dress is, thankfully, no longer one of them. We all have our go-to pieces, but I can wholeheartedly say that I do not own, nor intend to own a little black dress. Why? Because it's the most boring piece of clothing that could have ever been dreamed up by the fashion designers of the past. We've had some amazing trend over the decades, from oversized pastel fur coats, to heavily cleated soles, to opulently embellished turbans. Where does a little black dress fit into all that? In the back of our minds. An afterthought, even. When we think of the word 'fashion', yes, we may think of the colour black - but a little black dress? Non, merci.
If I'm feeling ill, or as if I can't really be bothered to make an effort to dress up for a party/dinner/wedding reception, I'd rather not go to said event, than reach for an LBD. How cliché. How incredibly dull. How unenthusiastic.
A little black skirt, on the other hand, is something I would always like to keep handy. This is a truly versatile piece that can be endlessly accessorised and interchanged with colour, monochromes, textures and well-thought-out architecture. Think cashmere knits in winter, plain white tees in summer. Shoes? Trainers, heels, platforms, brogues (if you've got the balls), but please, no sandals. This is not 2004 and you are not a Valley girl.
Wear it dressed up, wear it dressed down, wear it with edge, wear it with sex appeal, wear it with pride. Long live the little black skirt.
OMG, I am totally in love with your crazy style.